E-ISSN 2231-170X | ISSN 2231-1696

Original Article
Online Published: 19 May 2017

Bronchoscopic profile of various diseases in a rural care hospital

Deepika Garg, Dhiraj B. Bhandari, Prakash Nagpure, Manish Puttewar.

Flexible and rigid bronchoscopy is one of the most commonly employed procedures for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes in the field of otorhinolaryngology, pulmonary medicine, critical care medicine and anesthesiology. We put forward the results of a prospective observational study wherein 100 patients with different diagnosis underwent either flexible bronchoscopy or rigid bronchoscopy for diagnostic / therapeutic use at a rural medical set up.

Key words: Bronchoscopy, Diagnostic bronchoscopy, Foreign bodies, Therapeutic bronchoscopy

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Pubmed Style

Deepika Garg, Dhiraj B. Bhandari, Prakash Nagpure, Manish Puttewar. Bronchoscopic profile of various diseases in a rural care hospital. J Med Allied Sci. 2017; 7(2): 87-91. doi:10.5455/jmas.255911

Web Style

Deepika Garg, Dhiraj B. Bhandari, Prakash Nagpure, Manish Puttewar. Bronchoscopic profile of various diseases in a rural care hospital. https://jmas.in/?mno=255911 [Access: September 12, 2024]. doi:10.5455/jmas.255911

AMA (American Medical Association) Style

Deepika Garg, Dhiraj B. Bhandari, Prakash Nagpure, Manish Puttewar. Bronchoscopic profile of various diseases in a rural care hospital. J Med Allied Sci. 2017; 7(2): 87-91. doi:10.5455/jmas.255911

Vancouver/ICMJE Style

Deepika Garg, Dhiraj B. Bhandari, Prakash Nagpure, Manish Puttewar. Bronchoscopic profile of various diseases in a rural care hospital. J Med Allied Sci. (2017), [cited September 12, 2024]; 7(2): 87-91. doi:10.5455/jmas.255911

Harvard Style

Deepika Garg, Dhiraj B. Bhandari, Prakash Nagpure, Manish Puttewar (2017) Bronchoscopic profile of various diseases in a rural care hospital. J Med Allied Sci, 7 (2), 87-91. doi:10.5455/jmas.255911

Turabian Style

Deepika Garg, Dhiraj B. Bhandari, Prakash Nagpure, Manish Puttewar. 2017. Bronchoscopic profile of various diseases in a rural care hospital. Journal of Medical and Allied Sciences, 7 (2), 87-91. doi:10.5455/jmas.255911

Chicago Style

Deepika Garg, Dhiraj B. Bhandari, Prakash Nagpure, Manish Puttewar. "Bronchoscopic profile of various diseases in a rural care hospital." Journal of Medical and Allied Sciences 7 (2017), 87-91. doi:10.5455/jmas.255911

MLA (The Modern Language Association) Style

Deepika Garg, Dhiraj B. Bhandari, Prakash Nagpure, Manish Puttewar. "Bronchoscopic profile of various diseases in a rural care hospital." Journal of Medical and Allied Sciences 7.2 (2017), 87-91. Print. doi:10.5455/jmas.255911

APA (American Psychological Association) Style

Deepika Garg, Dhiraj B. Bhandari, Prakash Nagpure, Manish Puttewar (2017) Bronchoscopic profile of various diseases in a rural care hospital. Journal of Medical and Allied Sciences, 7 (2), 87-91. doi:10.5455/jmas.255911