E-ISSN 2231-170X | ISSN 2231-1696

Case Report
Online Published: 10 Aug 2024

Placental chorioangiosis in placenta previa, with fetal encephalocele and maternal near miss: A case report

Tajinder Kaur, Kartika Pandey, Kiran Pande.

Placental chorioangiosis along with chorioangioma and chorioangiomatosis constitute a spectrum of overlapping villous capillary lesions, considered to result from hypoxia. Chorioangiosis vary in its histological features, gestational age at presentation and associated maternal conditions from chorioangioma and chorioangiomatosis (which have much in common). Chorioangiosis is an under studied, but important entity because of its significant association with poor neonatal outcome and major congenital malformations. The etiology remains uncertain with chronic low-grade hypoxia resulting from various reasons, being the possible cause. Many placental conditions are associated with chorioangiosis, we report a case of chorioangiosis in placenta previa. The fetus had a major defect in occipital bone with encepalocele. There is a need to advance studies focusing on placental chorioangiosis to better proximate the causes of this placental injury and to define its associated feto-maternal disorders.

Key words: Fetal encephalocele, Placental chorioangiosis, Placenta previa, Uterine hypoxia

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Pubmed Style

Kaur T, Pandey K, Pande K. Placental chorioangiosis in placenta previa, with fetal encephalocele and maternal near miss: A case report. J Med Allied Sci. 2023; 13(2): 52-55. doi:10.5455/jmas.98859

Web Style

Kaur T, Pandey K, Pande K. Placental chorioangiosis in placenta previa, with fetal encephalocele and maternal near miss: A case report. https://jmas.in/?mno=98859 [Access: September 12, 2024]. doi:10.5455/jmas.98859

AMA (American Medical Association) Style

Kaur T, Pandey K, Pande K. Placental chorioangiosis in placenta previa, with fetal encephalocele and maternal near miss: A case report. J Med Allied Sci. 2023; 13(2): 52-55. doi:10.5455/jmas.98859

Vancouver/ICMJE Style

Kaur T, Pandey K, Pande K. Placental chorioangiosis in placenta previa, with fetal encephalocele and maternal near miss: A case report. J Med Allied Sci. (2023), [cited September 12, 2024]; 13(2): 52-55. doi:10.5455/jmas.98859

Harvard Style

Kaur, T., Pandey, . K. & Pande, . K. (2023) Placental chorioangiosis in placenta previa, with fetal encephalocele and maternal near miss: A case report. J Med Allied Sci, 13 (2), 52-55. doi:10.5455/jmas.98859

Turabian Style

Kaur, Tajinder, Kartika Pandey, and Kiran Pande. 2023. Placental chorioangiosis in placenta previa, with fetal encephalocele and maternal near miss: A case report. Journal of Medical and Allied Sciences, 13 (2), 52-55. doi:10.5455/jmas.98859

Chicago Style

Kaur, Tajinder, Kartika Pandey, and Kiran Pande. "Placental chorioangiosis in placenta previa, with fetal encephalocele and maternal near miss: A case report." Journal of Medical and Allied Sciences 13 (2023), 52-55. doi:10.5455/jmas.98859

MLA (The Modern Language Association) Style

Kaur, Tajinder, Kartika Pandey, and Kiran Pande. "Placental chorioangiosis in placenta previa, with fetal encephalocele and maternal near miss: A case report." Journal of Medical and Allied Sciences 13.2 (2023), 52-55. Print. doi:10.5455/jmas.98859

APA (American Psychological Association) Style

Kaur, T., Pandey, . K. & Pande, . K. (2023) Placental chorioangiosis in placenta previa, with fetal encephalocele and maternal near miss: A case report. Journal of Medical and Allied Sciences, 13 (2), 52-55. doi:10.5455/jmas.98859