E-ISSN 2231-170X | ISSN 2231-1696

Original Article
Online Published: 10 Aug 2024

Occurrence and progression of osseo-muscular and neurologic manifestations in Wilson’s disease

Shankar Prasad Nandi, Ratul Banerjee.

Osseo-muscular presentations of Wilson’s Disease (WD) are not common, but have been reported in several studies from different parts of the world. We studied a group of 36 patients who presented with prominent osseo-muscular affection and were ultimately diagnosed with WD. We studied the pattern of osseo-muscular involvement in these patients and also the specific neurologic manifestations that they manifested. We also followed up these patients who were being given optimal dietary and pharmacologic treatment over a period of 2 years to analyze the response of osseo-muscular and neurologic disease to treatment. The results showed that osseo-muscular involvement in WD patients are nonspecific and involve bone demineralization and joint inflammation predominantly. Presence of proximal myopathy with normal creatine phosphokinase level but electrophysiological evidence of myopathy was notable in this study. Neurologic involvement was mainly dystonic and cerebellar with the notable absence of significant tremor. Adequate therapy resulted in salutary improvement or stabilization of both neurologic and osseo-muscular involvement, indicating a possible common toxic effect of excess copper on both neuronal and musculoskeletal tissue. Further studies are required to document the biochemical and toxicologic pathways causing cellular and tissue damage in WD.

Key words: Arthralgia, Ceruloplasmin, Copper, Hepatolenticular degeneration, Osseo-muscular, Wilson’s disease

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Pubmed Style

Nandi SP, Banerjee R. Occurrence and progression of osseo-muscular and neurologic manifestations in Wilson’s disease. J Med Allied Sci. 2023; 13(2): 46-51. doi:10.5455/jmas.4017

Web Style

Nandi SP, Banerjee R. Occurrence and progression of osseo-muscular and neurologic manifestations in Wilson’s disease. https://jmas.in/?mno=4017 [Access: September 12, 2024]. doi:10.5455/jmas.4017

AMA (American Medical Association) Style

Nandi SP, Banerjee R. Occurrence and progression of osseo-muscular and neurologic manifestations in Wilson’s disease. J Med Allied Sci. 2023; 13(2): 46-51. doi:10.5455/jmas.4017

Vancouver/ICMJE Style

Nandi SP, Banerjee R. Occurrence and progression of osseo-muscular and neurologic manifestations in Wilson’s disease. J Med Allied Sci. (2023), [cited September 12, 2024]; 13(2): 46-51. doi:10.5455/jmas.4017

Harvard Style

Nandi, S. P. & Banerjee, . R. (2023) Occurrence and progression of osseo-muscular and neurologic manifestations in Wilson’s disease. J Med Allied Sci, 13 (2), 46-51. doi:10.5455/jmas.4017

Turabian Style

Nandi, Shankar Prasad, and Ratul Banerjee. 2023. Occurrence and progression of osseo-muscular and neurologic manifestations in Wilson’s disease. Journal of Medical and Allied Sciences, 13 (2), 46-51. doi:10.5455/jmas.4017

Chicago Style

Nandi, Shankar Prasad, and Ratul Banerjee. "Occurrence and progression of osseo-muscular and neurologic manifestations in Wilson’s disease." Journal of Medical and Allied Sciences 13 (2023), 46-51. doi:10.5455/jmas.4017

MLA (The Modern Language Association) Style

Nandi, Shankar Prasad, and Ratul Banerjee. "Occurrence and progression of osseo-muscular and neurologic manifestations in Wilson’s disease." Journal of Medical and Allied Sciences 13.2 (2023), 46-51. Print. doi:10.5455/jmas.4017

APA (American Psychological Association) Style

Nandi, S. P. & Banerjee, . R. (2023) Occurrence and progression of osseo-muscular and neurologic manifestations in Wilson’s disease. Journal of Medical and Allied Sciences, 13 (2), 46-51. doi:10.5455/jmas.4017